2 Adults + 0 Children

Legal warning

Legal warning

In compliance with the provisions of the article 10 of the law 34/2002, of July 11th, of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce is informed that www.montemarmaritim.com is a proprietary domain of the company Moma Hotel, S.L., with registered office at address Avda. del Mar, 5, 08398 Santa Susanna (Barcelona) and with email address: info@montemarmaritim.com.

Inscribed in the commercial register of Girona, record 1799, book 0, folio 164, page GI-30135, inscription 1a.

Data Protection (LOPD)

1.- Privacy policy

Moma Hotel, S.L informs users of the website about its policy regarding the treatment and protection of personal data of users and customers that may be collected by browsing or contracting services through its website. In this sense, Moma Hotel, S.L guarantees compliance with the current legislation 15/1999 of December 13th, on the Protection of Personal Data and Royal Decrete 1720/2007, of December 21st by which approves the Regulation of Development of the LOPD. Use of this website implies acceptance of this privacy policy.


2.- Collection, purpose and processing of data

Moma Hotel, S.L. has the duty to inform the users of its website about the collection of personal data that can be carried out, either by sending e-mail or by completing the forms included in the website. In this sense, Moma Hotel S.L. will be considered as responsible for the data collected by means described above. At the same time, Moma Hotel S.L informs users that the purpose of the collected data processing is to: the attention of requests made by the users, the inclusion in the agenda of contacts, the provision of services, the management of the commercial relation and others purposes. The operations, management and technical procedures that are carried out in an automated or non-automated manner and that make it possible to collect, store, modify, transfer and other actions on personal data, are considered as processing of personal data. All personal data, collected through the Moma website, and therefore considered as processing of personal data, will be incorporated in a file declared before the Spanish Agency of Data Protection for Moma Hotel S.L.


3.- Comunication of information to third parties

Moma Hotel, S.L informs users that their personal data will not be transferred to third organizations, except that such transfer of data is covered by a legal obligation or when the provision of a service implies the need for a contact relationship with a person in charge of treatment. In the latter case, only the transfer of data to the third party will take place when Moma Hotel, S.L. has the express consent of the user.


4.- User rights

Organic law 15/1999, of 13th of december, the Protection of Personal Data allows the interested parties the possibility of exercising a series of rights related to the processing of their personal data. As long as the user's data are processed by Moma Hotel S.L., users may exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in accordance with the provisions of the legal regulations in force regarding personal data protection. As soon as the user's data are processed by Moma Hotel S.L users can exercise the rights, the user must address by written communication, providing documentation proving their identity (ID card or passport), to the following address: Moma Hotel S.L., Avda. Del Mar, 5, 08398 Santa Susanna (Barcelona). Such communication must reflect the following information: name and surnames of the user, the request for request, the address and the supporting data. The exercise of rights must be performed by the user. However, they may be executed by a person authorized as legal representative of the authorized. In such case, the documentation proving this reprimand of the interested party must be provided.

15% discountin all drinks and food


15% discountin all drinks and food

We offer you 15% discount on all drinks and food that you purchase during your stay.

Late Check out(Subject to availability)


Late Check out(Subject to availability)

(subject to availability)
Always depending on the availability of the rooms on the day of your departure, we can leave the room for a few hours at no additional cost.

Spa Session Free(Minimum stay 5 nights)


Spa Session Free(Minimum stay 5 nights)

Clients, who book a stay of 5 nights of more, can enjoy 1 free spa sesión without any additional cost.


The spa activity includes a heated indoor pool, jacuzzi and sauna.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Rules must be respected at all times, especially with regard to the days/hours of use. If, for exceptional reasons, during the client’s stay, this activity are not available, there will be no financial compensation.

Direct transferfrom the airport


Direct transferfrom the airport

At the end of the booking process there is the option to book a direct and private transfer from the airport (Barcelona or Girona-Costa Brava) to the hotel Montemar Maritim. Your chauffeur, with a name sign, will wait for you in the arrivals hall of the airport. Then you will be transported, without any stops, to the hotel Montemar Maritim. For the return, the chauffeur will come to pick you up at the Hotel reception.

Room 1


Use it and get a
10% direct discount